Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Motherly Love

Naturally, my parents had very different reactions when I told them of my plans to move. Unsurprisingly, the parent 1,000 miles away was totally cool with the idea. The one a 30-minute drive down the road was slightly less than excited to be losing me to the other West Coast.

Saying that I’m lucky is an understatement. To have parentals who are completely supportive of my plans to move is an amazing gift from them both. I mean, at 25 I can do whatever I want. But still, support feels great. With regards to my mother, “supportive” is an understatement.  About a week after the bomb drop, she came back and shocked me with the desire to make the drive with me.

My initial reaction- “hell no.” (I didn’t actually say that). 
Second reaction- “I don’t need my MOM to drive with me. I’m not a freshman moving into my dorm room.” (I did actually say that, not nice).
Third reaction- “Mom, I drive a Mini Cooper…you’d take up, like, a third of my packing space.” (Ok, more reasonable and actually logical).

The real reason I had such a visceral reaction was because- I’m supposed to be doing this on my own. That’s how I’ve planned it. Just me. On the open road! How fun! Winding my way across the country. Stopping at sketchy hotels because of my limited budget. Seeing the crazy people who stay at these sketchy hotels. Being paranoid by myself at night thinking about that sketchy guy I saw when I checked into the sketchy hotel. Wondering if he saw the number on my room key and wishing I had a gun…

Ok, maybe it would be cool if my mom came along.

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